FZ28 from Panasonic overhauled


Shutterbugs rejoice!

Panasonic has just revealed an overhauled (though not visible from the inside) FZ28 megazoom with the Lumix DMC-FZ35.

The upgrades? Higher resolution, improved optical image stabilizer, faster AF, and a new movie codec.

The image stabilizer uses the new Power OIS, optimized for low-frequency handshake which adds 2 stops of shakes reduction and is most effective in low light, according to Panasonic.

The company also made the new AF system faster than the old one. And if you want to shoot some videos, the FZ35 lets you use the more efficient AVCHD Lite codec which also supports stereo sound. Unlike most competitors, the FZ35 allows users to adjust shutter speed and aperture for movie recording.

Lastly, the FZ35 ha an extended battery life of approximately 470 pictures so you can keep taking those snapshots on and on and on…or as long as you have memory space left. 😉

The Lumix DMC-FZ35 will be sold for $399 and is expected to be available in stores by mid August.

Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10296249-1.html