Disney Unveils a Giant Mechanical Suit for Pandora: World of Avatar Park


Disney introduces the latest addition to the Pandora: World of Avatar Park – a giant, walking mech suit.

The mech suit in action
(Credit: Disney)

Based on James Cameron’s 2009 blockbuster Avatar, the 12-Acre park showcases the world of Pandora where the blue-skinned Avatars live. It gives visitors a chance to explore the fictional world’s impressive array of landscapes and creatures.

Disney just announced its latest addition to the park and it is definitely impressive.

It is a 10-feet tall, walking mechanical suit piloted by actors. A video posted on Disney Parks Blog showed off the giant suit in action.

Called the Pandora Utility Suit, the giant robotic suit will “tell the story of Pandora and their experience and what it’s like to be on this planet”. The human-controlled AMP suit will be walking through the Valley of Mo’ara and will interact with guests.

A Pandora Conservation Initiative (PCI) pilot will be using the suit to study the wildlife and collect plant samples. And because the “planet” is home to some wild creatures, it will also be necessary to “survive Pandora’s terrain.”

Show Director Tony Giordano shared his experience with the suit. “It was like Christmas when I saw the suit walk towards me, and [heard] the guy talking to me, telling me about Pandora.”

According to the blog, the utility suit was created in partnership with Lightstorm Entertainment, Disney Parks Live Entertainment, Michael Curry Studios and Walt Disney Imagineering.

The Utility Suit pilot in Pandora – The World of Avatar will start roaming the park on April 22.