How Technology Is Changing CBD


With the recent omission of cannabidiol – or CBD – from the Controlled Substances Act, countless businesses have cropped up dedicated to the production and sale of what is known today as CBD oil. In tandem with the rise of this industry, business owners are seeking out the latest cutting-edge technology for not just production but the quality control of the end product. For the most part, technology is sure to bring numerous benefits to the quality of CBD. It is important, however, to also exercise caution when considering certain CBD products and how to safely use them.


Many large hemp farms have employed the use of sensors that measure plant health. This includes heat and temperature sensors utilized to ensure the best environmental conditions for ideal hemp plant growth. Furthermore, the wide availability of LED light technology has made in-house plant growing much more efficient and cost-effective than ever before. What’s more, advanced extraction technologies make it possible to develop CBD oil in various forms, from isolates and sprays to edibles and capsules.

Delivery Systems

As stated previously, you now have a wide array of choices as to how you want to consume your CBD oil. With that said, some delivery methods come with more safety concerns. This is especially true when it comes to vaping. Not all CBD oils should be vaped, in fact it takes more than just adding a few drops to your pen to make it work. It is imperative that you know the type of oil you are vaping. Even if the extract is sold in a vape pen or cartridge, this does not mean it is safe. Many of these strains are diluted with a combination of oils and fats derived from sources such as coconut oil. While this is perfectly fine for eating, it can be quite dangerous for inhaling. Instead, vaping strains extracted using carbon dioxide (CO2) as a solvent are highly recommended. In addition, it may be best to find different ways to apply or consume CBD such as edible gummies or tinctures.

Body Absorption

A common challenge for many industries is how to make their products more easily absorbed in the bloodstream and, therefore, work more effectively. Human bodies do not readily take in CBD and much of it gets discarded from the system before it has a chance to benefit you. A fairly new technology, which has traditionally been used to measure the effectiveness of other drugs, has recently been employed to measure certain CBD oils and how well they are absorbed by the human system. This process, called Nanotechnology, reduces the CBD extract to nanoscopic particles at the molecular level. As a result, these particles are small enough to be better absorbed by the body and enter the bloodstream more readily. As more and more people turn an interested eye toward CBD as a safer, more effective treatment for a vast number of conditions and disorders, the CBD industry is projected to reach billions of dollars. As the demand for CBD increases, so must the development of new and innovative technologies to provide consumers with the best quality for their individual needs.