New Phishing Scam Targets WhatsApp Users


Users Of WhatsApp Are Targets Of The New Phishing Scam

WhatsApp users are targets of the new phishing scam. They are being sent bogus messages which are said to be from the mobile messaging service WhatsApp.

phishing scam

About The Scam

The scam is being done by cyber criminals. They send emails to WhatsApp users, complete with the company’s branding. The message say that the subscriber must pay a certain subscription fee in order to keep their messaging accounts.

Of course, the messages are not from WhatsApp. These are being sent by these cyber criminals to get information and other bank details from unsuspecting users.

The Content Of The Fake Message

According to the email, the recipients have used WhatsApp for more than a year. Because of this, they need to pay a subscription fee to keep their account. It also states that they will be able to send and receive messages again only after they pay the said subscription fee.

To pay for the subscription fee, the email recipients, or innocent scam victims, will be made to sign into a (phoney) customer portal with their mobile phone number. To add “credibility” to the email, a link to a “community of users” is added at the end for those who may have questions about their email.

WhatsApp’s Charging Model

The scam may look like an ordinary thing. But it actually runs deeper than first thought. The mobile messaging service provider did previously charge using this model. So if recipients of this particular email do not know anything about updates and what-have-yous in the cyber world, they will be convinced and swayed.

For the information of the general public, WhatsApp has ended its charging model back in January 2016. During this time, WhatsApp has announced that their services will be free for everybody. Meaning, app users will have no subscription charges or whatever kind of fees to pay.

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