Google Lens Has Its Own App For Faster Launch

Google Lens

The Google Lens has made its way to the Playstore as a standalone app.

Google Lens

Google announced Lens last year as a way for users to identify objects, locations and other stuff from an image. It was first made available for Pixel owners and then later on expanded into the Photos app. And just recently, it was rolled out to most Android devices that supports Google Assistant.

For those who don’t use Google Assistant however, this will not be possible. That is unless you use the LG G7 ThinQ which has a hardware key specifically for Lens.

Now, Google has made it available for all Android users running Marshmallow or above.

The standalone icon is basically the shortcut to access the lens. It means users don’t have to go through the Google Assistant in order to launch Lens. However, bear in mind that it is still part of Google Assistant. The app is just a quick access tool.

What exactly can you with Google’s AI-capable viewfinder? When the app is opened, whatever your camera is pointed at, Google will give you information about it. It is also a useful way to translate, copy and search for texts. Pretty cool eh?

You can download the app here.


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