The 15 Companies Competing In Startup Battlefield Europe


Companies Which Will Be Competing In Startup Battlefield Europe

There are 15 companies which will be competing in startup Battlefield Europe. TeleCrunch has looked in all of Europe to to find the most innovative and disruptive early-stage startups. These startups will launch at the TeleCrunch Startup Battlefield Europe 2018.

You can watch the pitches from the latest 15 Startup Battlefield companies in the TeleCrunch homepage.


How The Startup Battlefield Works

Each of the 15 companies will pitch pitch for six minutes on the Pitch B stage at ViavTech. This will be followed by a rigorous Q&A with esteemed judges from all over Europe. Five companies will be selected to pitch on the VivaTech Main Stage in front of fresh, new judges.

The Startups

The teams come from a diverse set of industries. They are using a range of technologies. Some are first-time founders. These founders are challenging industry norms, and replacing the status quo of today’s businesses with technologies that support circular economy, and many more.

Problems The Startups Attempt To Solve

Many of the problems these startups will solve are based on personal experiences. One of them is building an insole to help people with Parkinson’s disease. Another has sights on building flight marketplaces. These problems are the driving forces which make entrepreneurs find ways at solving.

The 15 Companies

Here are the 15 Startup Battlefield Europe companies:

  • Statice
  • Anorak
  • Tapoly
  • Wakeo
  • BIMlosophy
  • Glowee
  • Mapify
  • Walk With Path
  • Status Today
  • Wingly
  • Varanida
  • Solely Original Shoes
  • Wisebatt, and
  • IOV

These fifteen startups have refined their business models, demos, and messaging with TeleCrunch’s Startup Battlefield team and editors in the last two months. When they culminate on stage, they will present their product to the world. They will also answer the questions of the judges about the viability of their business.

One of these fifteen startups will receive the TeleCrunch Sratup Battlefield Top European startup award along with 25,000 Euros in equity-free money.

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