Temperature Sensor from Nest is Available


Nest Will Have A Temperature Sensor Available

A temperature sensor will be available for Nest. If you missed out on pre-ordering Nest’s Temperature Sensor last month, no need to panic. It is now available for purchase. You can get it straight from the company’s website or from Google Playstore.

All About The Sensor

Nest’s puck-shaped temperature sensor works in tandem with Nest’s latest Learning Thermostat or the more affordable Thermostat E. You can get one bundle, with either temperature regulator to save $20 or $30, respectively, if you do not have the company’s thermostat yet.

Temperature sensor

How The Temperature Sensor Works

The sensor works by monitoring how hot or how cold a specific location in your house is. Its thermostat companion can then make sure that the room stays at the temperature you specified for maximum comfort.

This is useful if you have a big house. Nest is offering a 3-pack bundle price for $99. But you can still get one sensor for $39, if you want to make sure your apartment does not get too hot or too cold.

Other Information About The Sensor

Nest unveiled a temperature sensor to join its existing thermostat products last year. Customers have been left waiting since then. At last it is here. The product has finally appeared to purchase online, not as preorders.

Nest’s smart thermostats helps reduce energy bills. It improves energy efficiency by using intelligent features to control the heating and cooling of a location. However, the thermostat only knows so much. Its abilities are limited, especially with large houses. That is where the temperature sensor comes in.

The Nest Temperature Sensor is a white puck with the Nest logo in the middle. Users place it somewhere in their homes where it monitors the room’s temperature. The sensor connects with the smart thermostat using Bluetooth, relaying data about the conditions wherever it is located.

The company includes mounting hardware with the sensor. But it can also be placed on a shelf or something similar. Its battery lasts for two years.