Stormy Daniels Adds A Cryptocurrency Reward Program To Her Website

Stormy Daniels
Image Credit: Bitcoin Exchange Guide

Stormy Daniels is rewarding her viewers with cryptocurrency, and no, it’s not Verge.

Stormy Daniels
Image Credit: Bitcoin Exchange Guide

Adult entertainment star Stormy Daniels has partnered up with Vice Industry Token (VIT) for exclusive content.

Darkreach Communications, the company which manages Daniels’ website, is working with the blockchain startup to reward viewers for watching content. This allows adult film producers to further monetize their content.

The company also plans to integrate the VIT token to its 20-plus other website that it manages.

President of Darkreach, Rob Murray, explains that the introduction of cryptocurrencies is an inevitable move.

“The way the VIT blockchain works, we all get a piece of the token, and the guaranteed genuine data is the icing in the cak

Her partnership with a cryptocurrency is not surprising. The adult industry relies on privacy and anonymity, factors that are also the backbone of cryptocurrencies. However, this is not the first time that the two industries have crossed paths. Last month, PornHub partnered with Verge as means of payment for its premium content.


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