Instagram Now Allows You Hide Posts Of Your Friends with Mute Feature

Instagram mute friend

Instagram now let’s you avoid seeing posts you don’t like on your feed through the mute option.Instagram mute friend

We all have that one friend (or ten) that we follow on Instagram that we actually don”t like. Maybe your sister who keeps posting selfies or your boss who keeps posting pictures of her cat. Or how about that friend who posts twenty pictures of her daughter everyday? We can’t really unfollow them for fear of hurting or offending them.

Luckily, Instagram now allows you to mute your friends and have their posts not show up on your feed. It is basically the “unfollow” version of Facebook. The mute option helps you free up your feed of those annoying posts while preserving your relationship with that person.

To use the feature, simply tap the three dots on the upper right corner of a post you want to mute. From there, you can choose whether to mute posts, or mute posts and stories from that user. And don’t worry, the user will not know you’ve muted them.

According to the company, this feature will help you personalize your feed as they aim to make it “the best place to share and connect with the people and interests you care about.”

The mute feature will be rolling out “in the coming weeks”. Now if only there’s a mute button for those annoying ads on my feed..

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