AI-Powered Emoji Scavenger Hunt Can Be Played On Your Mobile


Your Mobile Can Play AI-Powered Emoji Scavenger Hunt

Google has developed a new AI-powered emoji scavenger hunt that you can play on your mobile phones. You can try this fun emoji scavenger hunt by opening and see how far you can get.

This may be an indication of Google’s future plans to use artificial intelligence on your mobile phones.

Time and again, Google has released fun little games for us. This time it is back with another entertaining game that is based on artificial intelligence and emoji.

The Emoji Scavenger Hunt

To play this game, you have to use your mobile phone’s camera to look for and find objects that match the emoji within the time limit. Every time you find an emoji, your time increases.

Its object recognition feature may not be that perfect though, because it refuses to recognize some items. For example, it recognized a dish towel stand as a scarf. Meaning, there is a possibility that it may mistakenly identify objects, since its object recognition is not that perfect.

But despite of the game’s little imperfections, it is fun in its simple way, and playing the game gives us a first-hand experience on how artificial intelligence works. Besides, it will probably help us understand and appreciate AI better, and accept its future role in our lives.

AI features like object recognition are finding their way through our every day lives. Developers are finding ways to develop new devices with artificial intelligence.

scavenger hunt

Other AI Developments From Google

This coming week is Google’s I/O developer conference. The company is expected to have some Artificial Intelligence news to share. There is a rumored update planned for Google Lens. More might probably be heard about the company’s cloud offerings.Google gave users a glimpse of how far the development of its natural language processing, which deals with machine reading comprehension.

Google’s Semantic Experiences

The Google Research division has rolled out Semantic Experiences. These are websites with interesting activities which demonstrate AI’s ability to understand how we speak. They have two experiences to enjoy, and the third one is is for developers to help them create their own experience.

The first two experiences are called “Talk to Books”, in which users can explore a new way to interact with books. The third is “Semantris” where people can play word association games powered by semantic research. Google trained its AI by feeding it a “billion conversation-like pairs of sentences”, so it can learn to identify what a good response looks like.

What The Future May Have In Store

Google is finding and developing ways to satisfy its users. Among these is developing Artificial Intelligence. The company is using it for your mobile phones now. They may be starting with just this simple, fun game like the emoji scavenger hunt. And its developers have one thing in mind: to give us the best.