Bug-A-Salt: Indiegogo Champ a Lethal Weapon for Deadly Flies and Mosquitoes


There is always a child inside every person; now you can indulge your gun-toting persona with Bug-A-Salt, a fun solution to kill flies, mosquitoes, slugs, snails, caterpillars, roaches, moths, and crickets. It’s also good for getting rid of bugs that infest your kitchen or eat away at your garden and produce.

Channeling your energies towards annihilating bugs with non-toxic salt seems weird but it has been listed as one of the 7 Coolest Things on Amazon under $50. The Bug-A-Salt, a clever wordplay on bug assault (with salt) has made it on the prestigious pages of Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Tailgaiting and has been featured on Discovery Channel, Gizmodo, and MSN.

Lorenzo Maggiore, the Bug-A-Salt inventor pitched the idea at Indiegogo to raise $15,000 so he could produce and market his “gun”. Surprisingly, the idea of this California artist caught the fancy of the public to the tune of $420,246 or over 30 times his goal back in 2012. Its popularity is partly due to its humorous take on insect control and its eco-friendliness. Plus, you don’t end up with the mess and can cleanly sweep away the kill.

Not your cup of tea? Think again! Flies go everywhere and are everywhere where they can spread Diptheria, Typhoid, Salmonella, Amoeba, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and cringe-worthy Hepatitis. Houseflies are especially attracted to putrid places and trek bacteria along with their eggs when they land on your food. Consider that female flies have a 21 day-lifespan and can lay 3,000 eggs each with maggots hatching within 24 hours – that’s a lot to eradicate before it turns into annoying swarms (bringing disease outbreaks in its wake)!

If you are one of those who has seen the oh-so-graphic time-lapse video of maggots developing on meat, I am sure you have the urge to roll up a newspaper and swat away. Thing is, that works just like stepping on roaches. You release not just the germs but also eggs along with the splatter.

Users who initially found the idea ludicrous find it an amazing weapon to keep deadly mosquitoes away. There is a global fear of mosquitoes as these insects are no longer confined to the tropics or swampland. These insects cross borders and have raised the alarm for vector-borne diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika.

So how does it work? You simply load plain table salt (look Ma, no pesticides) into this obviously fake-looking assault rifle and you’re off to the killing fields. This bug killer is safe to use, non-toxic, and does not require batteries – just don’t point at anyone’s face.

“Ordinary table salt is utilized as a lethal projectile with accuracy range of within 3 feet. Bugs will remain whole for easy clean-up.” —- Bug-A-Salt site


Price ranges from $39.95 for the YELLOW BUG-A-SALT 2.0 eradication device. Accessories can be bought separately. The Lawn and Garden Model that comes with a larger load is just $3 more and targets pests infesting lawns, flower beds, vegetable patches, and gardens. Perfect for roaches, aphids, moths and more.

Increase the deadly power with BUG-BEAM LASER ADAPTER KIT for $ 19.95 more. Like the gun, it doesn’t require batteries and is compliant with FDA standards. And surely it’s not for everyone but the company sells a variety of sauces for those who fancy barbecuing crickets! Shooting with a plastic shotgun looks crazy fun but it works – and that matters when you want to be the “Lord of the Flies”.