Google Chrome’s Latest Update Automatically Blocks Autoplay Videos

Google Chrome
(Credit: Lifewire)
Google Chrome
(Credit: Lifewire)

Google Chrome finally gives us an update we ALL need: the option for blocking autoplay videos with sound.

This is indeed a very good news if you’re someone who likes to browse the internet while otherwise supposed to be engaged in something else (you know, like work). Google Chrome will finally roll out an update that blocks those annoying autoplay videos.

The feature was originally set to be released with Chrome 64. It is now set to be included in version 66 which is scheduled to be released next month.

“This will allow autoplay to occur when users want media to play, and respect users’ wishes when they don’t,” Google said in a statement last year when the first announced their intentions. “These changes will also unify desktop and mobile web behavior, making web media development more predictable across platforms and browsers.”

Once this is rolled out, autoplay for videos will now only be allowed when the media does not play sound. It will also play audio when the user taps/clicks on the video or if the user has previously shown an interest in media on the site.

This is very good news for users. However, it might not be so for advertisers who rely on ads that blast out their spiels whether you like it or not.

This is a big year for changes in the browser. In February this year, Chrome rolled out ad-blocker. Later this year, the browser will mark all non-HTTPS websites as “non-secure”. This will hopefully encourage more websites to adopt to the HTTPS encryption. This “not secure” tag is going to be released with Chrome 68 in July.