Everything about 5G; Facts and Trivia
Check out these facts, trivia and everything you need to know about 5G. Well, 5G isn’t expected until 2020. But a lot of companies are investing now to prepare for the new mobile wireless standard.
What is 5G?
5G simply stands for the fifth generation and refers to the next and newest mobile wireless standard. It is based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard of broadband technology. But there’s no actual and formal standard for 5G yet that has been set.
5G connections must be based on ‘user experience, system performance, enhanced services, business models and management & operations. That is according to the Next Generation Mobile Network’s 5G white paper
5G also should qualify and meet most of these eight criteria, according to the Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA):
1. One to 10Gbps connections to end points in the field.
2. One to millisecond end-to-end round trip delay
3. 1000x bandwidth per unit area
4. 10 to 100x number of connected devices
5. (Perception of) 99.999 percent availability
6. (Perception of) 100 percent coverage
7. 90 percent reduction in network energy usage
8. Up to ten-year battery life for low power, machine-type devices
Back at the time of this breakthrough in communications, the 3G was a big break and became really helpful to all of us. 3G receives a signal from the nearest phone tower and is used for phone calls, messaging and data.
Then, there’s this 4G. It actually works as same as the 3G but with a faster internet connection. And also a lower latency (the time between cause and effect). 4G claimed to be around five times faster than the 3G because it can provide download speeds up to 100mbps.
But to the 5G, Hubert Da Costa, Vice president, EMEA at Cradlepoint said, “5G Wi-Fi connections are set to be about three times faster than 4G, starting with 450Mbps in single-stream, 900 Mbps (dual-stream) and 1.3Gbps (three-stream). So whilst we are already starting to see a huge growth in smart devices 5G’s speed and capacity will enable an even more rapid arrival of this connected future.”
5G is set to be a lot faster than its predecessors, the 4G and 3G.
“Current 4G mobile standards have the potential to provide 100s of Mbps. 5G offers to take that into multi-gigabits per second, giving rise to the ‘Gigabit Smartphone’ and hopefully a slew of innovative services and applications that truly need the type of connectivity that only 5G can offer,” said Paul Gainham, senior director, SP Marketing EMEA at Juniper Networks.
While 4G is still on top of its game, this newest can really help us a lot in the near future.