Here’s why you might get Google Duo calls on your Android phone without the app
You might be confused why you received a call using Google Duo on your phone without installing the app. Thanks to a new update, you may now receive Google Duo calls without the need to install the application.
Just like Facetime, Google Duo is a great way to connect with your loved ones anywhere, sharing important events in your life, like your first day on your new job, or hanging out with some old friends, just by simply calling anyone from your contacts. It’s a hassle-free communication actually. No need for any worries that the app may crash because it will now be a feature on your phone.
It is said that you will be getting a pop up for audio and video calls on some Android devices. The information is still scarce as to how you can avail this update but having your phone number registered in Google is a part of it.
It happens through App Preview Messaging that works with the help of an android app called Google Play services running in the background. It allows you to get in contact with people whatever messaging applications they might be using.
The Features
Some cool features is that, you will get to see on screen who’s calling you before answering the call. They call it the “Knock knock” feature. Right after a Duo call, you will be opted to select if you want to install the application or not.
Well of course, you can’t call an iPhone user with Google Duo. But for some android users, it’s much more helpful and easy to place a video call without any hesitations and worries whether the other line doesn’t have the application installed.
As of now, Google doesn’t have anything yet to say regarding this update. But we sure do that they’re preparing for this. Also for the Google Allo, their text messaging app choice, for a big announcement and launch.