Samsung users have something to look forward next month. The company has announced the release date for its upcoming flagship at CES 2018. Samsung said it would unveil the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ during the Mobile World Congress 2018. The event will sometimes be held in February.


Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ Release Date


Details such as the exact release date of the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ will be confirmed at the event. But rumors have it that the possible release date of the Galaxy S9 might be leaked by a tipster citing a “C-level executive at a major case maker” as a source.


According to @evleaks, a popular prolific leaker said that he obtained an information about the rumored Galaxy S9 release date from a Samsung C-level executive. He, however, did not name the Samsung official.


Based on the obtained information, Samsung would unveil the Galaxy S9 at MWC by February. Possibly, the company would be taking pre-orders earlier which would commence by March 1st. The prolific tipster also claimed that Samsung had selected March 16 as the official release date of the Galaxy S9.


But all these remain speculations as Samsung has yet to confirmed the leaked details. This means that Samsung users should take all these with a grain of salt. It should be noted that the company has not released any details that would suggest the possible release date of the Galaxy S9.


So, if rumors are true, Galaxy S9 will be released a month ahead of Galaxy S8. It can be recalled that Galaxy S8 was released on March 29 last year during a special event held in New York City. The phone was released in the U.S and other countries on April 21st.