A Simple Health Data: Apple Health Data Used As Evidence

a simple

A Simple Health Data is Useful

A simple health data saved on someone’s device became a huge part in a court trial in Germany where the accused was a refugee who committed rape and murder.

Apple’s health application is one of the most important app on iPhone and other devices by the Apple Company. Wherein you can keep track on your health status and start reaching your goals. The application was pre-installed on the iPhone 6s and newer models.

The information on the app demonstrates the suspect was climbing up the stairs may correspond to dragging his victim down a riverbank and climbing back up, said the police.

Maria Ladenburger, 19, a Medical student in Germany was allegedly raped and drowned in the River Dresiam by Hussein K, the accused last October 2016. The trial then started last September.

The accused who was identified by a strand of hair found on the crime scene, admitted the heinous act but didn’t give such very helpful details to the police and also refused to give his phone’s PIN code as part of the investigation. So the investigating officers went to an anonymous cyber-forensics firm in Munich and decrypt the phone’s passcode.

IPhone’s health app saves information of the owner including the activity such as tracking steps made throughout the day, nutrition, sleep pattern, as well as body measurement like heart rate.

Hussein’s location was also tracked using the GPS data saved on the device. Also, it recorded some arduous activity, including two peaks, which the phone jot down to him as climbing stairs.

The Evidence

An investigator with the same body build to the suspect went to the crime scene and demonstrate the movements made by the suspect and afterward checked the data recorded on the iPhone and it was the same as “climbing stairs”.

Chief of police Peter Egetemaier told to the court, “For the first time, we correlated health and geo data,” according to German paper Die Welt.

Now, there are some complications on the trial including Hussein’s real age.

He initially claimed that he was only 17 years old, but his father tracked down in Iran disputed it.

The age of the suspect will be the basis of sentencing in the trial. The maximum for ages below 18 is 10 years while for the adult committed such crime could be up to 30 years.