Cupertino-based Apple Inc. has released recently the iOS 11. 2 update . The latest update brings bug fixes and wireless charging. But there’s more to this update, Apple brings also the Apple Pay Cash.

However, Apple made it clear that such feature is not yet live, saying the Apple Pay Cash has a server issues that must be solved.

Apart from the Apple Pay Cash, the Apple iOS 11.2 update now supports the 7.5W Qi Wireless Charging. This means that Apple users will experience faster charging even better.

Such feature is beneficial to either iPhone 8 or iPhone X users because the wireless charger supports the 7.5 W, in contrast, to the Apple’s 5W wireless charging capacity.

In addition to wireless charging, the iOS 11.2 update has an “autocorrect” feature, an issue that users encountered as a problem earlier. For instance, some users claim that the default keyboard would change “it” into “I.T.”

Hence, Apple users expect that iOS 11.2 will fix the autocorrect issue. Aside from this, users noticed that in iOS 11, the Wifi and Bluetooth icons could not be disabled easily.

Apple, in a statement, said the Wifi and Bluetooth feature that does not able was intently done for a purpose.

The Cupertino-based company claims that it does not disable features so that users can connect to their Apple devices.

Should you upgrade?

Given the Apple iOS 11.2 update, this begs the question if you should upgrade or not? The reason why is that the iOS update comes in varied sizes, depending on the device.

What is clear, however, is the iOS update is roughly 400 MB. Large as it may seem, Apple users will have a remarkable experience in terms of speed and stability of the mobile OS.


What do you think of the Apple’s iOS 11.2 update? Share your thoughts below.