Police raid hosting company, takes down number of file sharing sites

Swedish police raid PRQ hosting site

Swedish police raid PRQ hosting site

Don’t be surprised if you might have tried to access torrent sites such as torrenthound.com, tankafetast.ne, linkomajija.net and other sites that stream live sports events but couldn’t. These sites and two private BitTorrent sites went offline yesterday when Swedish police raided a hosting company in the country taking down multiple servers and shutting down a number of file sharing sites, including the aforementioned.

PRQ, a Swedish hosting company, was raided yesterday. It was founded by two Swedish who also founded The Pirate Bay. The hosting site was also raided last 2006 that resulted into shutting The Pirate Bay down temporarily.

The Pirate Bay was also down today but reports said that it was totally unrelated to the raid.

According to a Facebook post by the company, they suffered a power outage and that the raid was not the cause of the temporary shut down.

PRQ has been hosting a number of controversial sites, including WikiLeaks and the North American Man-Boy Love Association. But these two were not affected by the raid, as the police only targeted websites that cater to file sharing and those that illegal stream content online.

PRQ Owner Mikael Viborg said in an interview with a local television news crew that the raiding team seized four servers and that this was the first raid on the company since last 2010.

Image Source: theblogismine.com