Samsung Galaxy S III sells over 20 million units since its release

Galaxy S III sales

Samsung Galaxy S III sold 20 million units Although the smoke has cleared between the war waged by Apple and Samsung in a US court, the two still have a lot of ammunitions left to instigate another battle.

Though the South Korean tech firm lost to the American brand, Samsung has found solace to the fact that their Samsung Galaxy S III has eclipsed the 20 million sales mark since it was launched a few months ago.

In Europe, about 6 million units have been sold in retail stores across the continent. While in Asia, 4.5 million Galaxy S III units have flown off the shelves. In North America, about 4 million units have been bought.

According to Samsung, “Galaxy S III… is being sold three times faster than the previous Galaxy S III and six times faster than the first version of Galaxy S.”

The Samsung Galaxy S III features face-recognition ability, improved voice activated controls, a very powerful processor and enables users to multi task by allowing them to write emails and watch video simultaneously.

Samsung is set to lose a billion dollars as an American court ruled that they infringed some of Apple’s patents. But other courts outside the US have rejected Apple’s claims with regards to Samsung’s patent infringement.

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