Guinness awards Psy’s Gangnam Style video as world’s most liked in YouTube

Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style The Gangnam Style craze have swept the entire world by storm. Now, the entertaining music video has hit a new milestone, as the Guinness World Records have awarded the official music video in YouTube as the most liked video of all time.

The Gangnam Style music video has been viewed 243 million times in YouTube, and 2.2 million individuals have clicked on the Like button of the video thus getting the award.

Psy, a South Korean rapper, unseated LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” video which previously held the record with 1.5 million likes.

It is quite interesting how can a foreign music video ever have so much likes and be this popular. Across the globe, Psy’s Gangnam Style has made its mark. In Thailand, two rival gangs even went at it by shooting at each other due to a Gangnam Style dance.

You may not have seen the video yet, but I bet that you’ve heard about this song from peers, over the airwaves or through the Internet. I admit that I’ve seen the video a couple of times before, I have to admit that it’s annoying yet very entertaining.

Ellen Degeneres even surprised Britney Spears by having Psy in her show and teach her how to dance Gangnam Style

Congrats to Psy!

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