Protect your Facebook photos with McAfee app

how to protect facebook photos

how to protect facebook photos As what people say, do not place anything in your Facebook profile that you would not like to be used by individuals with prying eyes and bad motives.

But if you can’t stop yourself from uploading photographs on Facebook that can be taken for granted by individuals who have ill intentions then you might want to try McAfee’s latest app.

McAfee has been in the business of providing security for desktops and laptops. They have released security apps for your smartphones and they are now entering a new market.

This McAfee app will help you add an additional layer of protection in your Facebook account. This enables you to protect your photos and asks the owner to list the individuals that you are granting access to them.

To others who have no access to them, these images will appear fuzzy. Even those Facebook images that you tag your friends that do not have access can’t view the images in a pristine way.

They can’t also grab, download or print these photos.

This McAfee app is currently under beta phase. During this period anybody can download the app and use it on their Web browsers. Tt currently only supports Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

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