Twitter cuts ties with LinkedIn


In an effort to keep their members in their site longer, micro-blogging site Twitter has decided to keep posts away from the profile pages of their LinkedIn accounts.

The decision which was announced last Friday was one of the many ways Twitter is doing to keep members in their site.

One of the decisions they made was to block your Tweets from being posted in your professional social networking account or in LinkedIn.

Their partnership was started last 2009 and ended a few days ago.

LinkedIn Head of Content Products Ryan Roslansky is hoping that their members would still share their posts on Twitter even if the latter has blocked posting Tweets to LinkedIn.

He added, “Consistent with Twitter’s evolving platform efforts, Tweets will no longer be displayed on LinkedIn starting later today. We know many of you value Twitter as an additional way to broadcast professional content beyond your LinkedIn connections.”

“Moving forward, you will still be able to share your updates with your Twitter audience by posing them on LinkedIn,” he said.

Opus Research analysts Greg sterling said, “They don’t want people to consume and interact with Twitter in places where they probably have no ability to put ads.”

Is Facebook next after LinkedIn?

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