Google Docs enables offline editing


Google has finally enabled offline editing to Google Docs users.

Offline editing enables users to edit or continue writing, even if there is no Internet connection available.

Product Management Director at Google Clay Bavor said, “No Internet connection? No big deal. With offline editing, you can create and edit Google documents and leave comments. Any changes you make will be automatically synched when you get back online.”

Not all features are available for the offline version of Google Docs. In the offline mode, users can’t attach or insert an image or drawing, use tools such as research tools and translate, download or share, publish and prints documents.

Bavor added, “We’re also working hard to make offline editing for spreadsheets and presentations available in the future.”

Reactions for the Google update have been positive. Venture Beat writes, “Offline editing puts Google Docs in a position to take on note-taking applications such as Evernote. One major complaint about Evernote is the inability to share notes with others, which Google Docs obviously already enables.”

To enable offline editing in Google Docs, users need to click on the gear icon at the top right hand portion of the page in Google Drive, either in Chrome or ChromeOS, and set it up.

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