“Coffee Meets Bagel”: Online dating site with a twist


There are quite a number of dating sites out there for those individuals who would like to meet their match online. What separates one site from the other is the type of service that they offer to their clientele and out of these world ideas that are original from that site.

“Coffee Meets Bagel” is an online dating site that tries to shake up the online dating world by letting users have some fun while looking for their potential partner.

Each day at noon users of “Coffee Meets Bagel” are sent one match they call “bagel”. Users then have 24 hours to decide if they want to get to know the other person better by going out on a date with him/her. If they do, they only have to click “yes”, if they don’t then click “pass”.

According to one of the founders of “Coffee Meets Bagel”, Arum Kong said, “Our model is unique in that the match is exclusive to one another. So if you are matched with Ed, let’s say, you see his profile for 24 hours while Ed sees your profile for 24 hours. And after the 24th hour, the match disappears and you might never connect with this person again! I think there’s something very serendipitous and powerful to that. It gets people to engage more.”

Better check this dating site: cupid might just shoot the arrow at your direction.

Would you try “Coffee Meets Bagel” then?

Image Source: venturebeat.com