Kindle Fire 2 by Amazon to sport a bigger screen size


Tablet manufacturers are racing to develop smaller devices to cut costs and produce a tablet for the mass market.

But Amazon is said to be going against the tide, as analysts have said that the Amazon Kindle Fire 2 will feature a screen that is bigger than its predecessor.

The Amazon Kindle Fire 2 is said to feature a 1280 x 800 pixel resolution, compared to the 1024 x 600 pixel that the current Kindle Fire has. It would also feature a new aspect ratio that will change the shape of the screen.

This information comes from All Things D, which they say that the details come from Amazon developers.

All Things D also reported that the Amazon Kindle Fire 2 will sport a built-in camera and will be thinner and lighter than its predecessor.

Amazon is said to release the Kindle Fire 2 in the third quarter of this year.

The first version of the Kindle Fire never made it out of US shores. But Amazon is rumored to be distributing the Kindle Fire 2 worldwide to take on Apple’s rumored Apple iPad Mini and the Google Nexus 7.

Care to purchase a Kindle Fire 2 once it is made available?

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