Cheaper international rates for Europeans


Europeans will have more reasons to communicate with their loved ones when abroad.

Individuals who have Smartphones or even ordinary cell phones usually turn their devices off when travelling abroad for fear of a skyrocketing bill due to high charges of international calls or messaging.

The EU union placed a cap in roaming charges that will take effect on the 1st of July. This will cut your bill for roaming to about two-thirds.

About 578 members of the European parliament voted in favor of the cap.

By July 2014, subscribers of Telecom companies will be able to choose a separate mobile roaming provider when abroad.

Analysts from Informa Telecoms and Media states that this move will increase the use of email and internet on smartphones.

Mobistar said that the caps combines with reduced termination rates would hit the company and will take 58 million off their revenue for this year. Mobile termination rates is a fee Telecom companies charge each other for use of their networks.

Stephane Beyazian said that the benefits of increased mobile data usage will not take effect immediately. She said, “That traffic is unlikely to triple by 2014 to make up for the loss.”

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