Anonymous is threatening to hack websites that are linked or are supporting the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Canada set a few weeks from now.
Anonymous said that they are doing this because the Formula 1 organizers are going to go ahead with a Grand Prix or race in an area that “Amnesty International and other global human rights groups have declared human right violators.”
Quebec’s Special Law 78 offers harsh regulations regarding demonstrations in the province. Individual who are caught striking or demonstrating can be fined heavily.
The group is warning anyone who is going to take part in the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Canada that they are vulnerable to Anonymous’ attack.
A spokesperson from Anonymous said, “As we did in Bahrain – Anonymous intends to wreck Mr Eccelstone’s little party. Beginning on June 7 and running through race day on June 10, Anonymous will take down all the Formula 1 websites, dump the servers and databases – and wreck anything else F1 related we can on the Internet.”
“We would like to remind anyone considering attending this abominable race, that last time Anonymous found all the spectators personal data, including credit card numbers – un-encrypted on F1 servers,” the group added.
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