9 year old goes to the Web and blasts school cafeteria


At this day and age, protests have become so intertwined with technology that organizing one is as easy as typing a Tweet or posting a Facebook status. Remember what happened in Egypt and Syria?

Well, a 9 year old Scottish girl went to the Web in her efforts to publicize what her school cafeteria offers their students.

Martha Payne, the 9 year old kid, offers a daily reading, or what she calls Food-o-ometer reading, a rating based on how healthy the food is and a figure that symbolizes the number of strands of hair she found in the food.

She began blogging about this last April and soon she was tracked by BBC and had an interview with her.

Martha told BBC, “They’re a wee bit small and sometimes they’re not very nice either. Sometimes they don’t stick to the menu.”

The local education district said to BBC that Martha’s blog was selective. They said that fruits, vegetables, and snacks that are healthy and full of protein are being offered to their students. They also said that there are only four pictures in the blog that show bad service and they serve millions of meal four these students.

By May 15 Martha said that there was already a change in the system of ordering food at their cafeteria. She said her school canteen is now offering, “Cherry tomatoes, radishes, carrots and cucumber shredding’s.”

Asked by the reporter what she had, she responded, “Macaroni cheese, mashed potato, cucumber and peppers.”

Image Source: blog.centralrestaurant.com