Latest Photoshop has Content-Aware Move Tool


Adobe Photoshop is heaven’s gift to men. Not only can we tweak and re-tweak awful images, we can also turn back the hands of time and redo those vintage photographs you have on your grandpa’s closet.

This program does have a ton of useful things to help photographers and as well as hobbyists. Imagine what the fashion business would be without Photoshoped images spliced all over billboards and magazines. Sales would not be as high as it is today.

Now comes the latest version of this popular program. Though only in beta phase, it is still making headlines all over after Adobe revealed ‘sneak peaks’ when they gave a glimpse of a new tool called Content-Aware Move. This allows users to shift elements of a photo around the frame.

Analysts believe that this new tool will enable users to dramatically increase or decrease the age of the person captured in your photograph.

Ben Brain of Practical Photoshop said he cannot reveal how he came across this new tool but hinted there could be further surprises in store from Adobe.

He said, “I’ve not seen it, but I hear Adobe is already developing what they call a Clooning Stamp for Photoshop CS7. Simply click the Clooning stamp over a person’s face, drag the Smugness Opacity slider to your desired level and it will make the person look more like George Clooney.”

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