Kid infiltrates 25 websites


What do you call a 15 year old kid who has the ability to hack into a hundreds of companies? Can we call him a nerd, a genius, or a marvel?

Well, Austrian law enforcers apprehended a 15 year old kid who is suspected of wreaking havoc to 259 companies in a span of three months.

According to Zdnet, the authorities suspect that the kid looked for vulnerabilities and bugs in websites and databases that can be exploited. According to Austria’s Federal Criminal Police Office, the boy admitted to the charges.

He allegedly stole data and published it after he infiltrated the security of the 250 businesses. He also defaced websites and bragged about his accomplishments on Twitter.

The attacks were reported to have occurred between January and March of this year. He did not single out any industry as he was able to infiltrate sports companies, tourism services, adult entertainment and etcetera.

According to the report, the reason behind his attacks was boredom and he just wanted to prove himself. The report describes him as an anti-social and that he went online for affirmation.

He used several hacking tools that are available in the net to breach the security of those companies that he infiltrated.

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