Google warns webmasters of possible hack


About 20,000 webmasters were warned by Google due to the possibility of their sites being compromised and are redirecting visitors to malicious websites.

Head of the companies webspam team Matt Cutts Tweeted, “Is your site doing weird redirects? We just sent a ‘your site might be hacked’ msg to 20K sites.”

The Google Search Quality Team warned a compromised website by posting a message saying, “Dear site owner or webmaster, we are writing to let you know that we believe some of your website’s pages may be hacked. Specifically, we think that JavaScript has been injected into your site by a third party and may be used to redirect users to malicious sites. You should check your source code for any unfamiliar JavaScript and in particular any files containing ‘eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r)’. the malicious code may be placed in HTML, JavaScript, or PHP files so it’s important to be thorough in your search.”

Editor of Kaspersky lab’s Threat Post blog said that, “Malicious and suspicious websites are often able to use search engine optimization to slip past Google’s filters and wind up on search results lists, and that the search engine giant flags only half of all the malicious links rendered by its search engine.”

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