Facebook Page numbers set to nose dive


Facebook has announced that Page admins are about to see radical changes in their numbers. According to the company, the metric that is based on Facebook check-ins will nose dive in the next few weeks.

This is due to the social networking site changing the way they tally the Page mentions on the social network. They are limiting users to one check-in for every page per 12 hours.

Facebook released this statement pertaining the change:

“We will be revising the total check-in number on Facebook pages to provide a more accurate picture of how people are visiting your business. If someone checks into your business multiple times within a 12-hour period, that action will be counted as one unique check-in. previously, if an individual checked into your business multiple times, each check-in was tallied toward your page’s total number of check-ins.

When people tag their friends at your business location and upload a photo, those photo tags will be counted in aggregate. For example, if someone uploaded 20 photos to an album from a specific location, we’ll now count that as a single check-in. but if someone checks in to a location and tags five friends in the photo they upload with the check-in, the total check-ins number will be six – that person’s check-in plus those for their five friends.”

This seems to be a fair, reasonable and logical choice for the social networking magnate.