Facebook data scientists uncover relationship patterns


Data scientists from Facebook have uncovered a surprising pattern. Is the popular social networking site really going to the extreme just to study their members?

A report by the Website’s data scientists highlights the patterns its members make why they break and begin romantic relationships. They took the data from years 2010 and 2011.

According to the report, the months of February and December are best for relationships. The dates February 14 and February 15 are good for new relationships. It doesn’t come as a surprise since people are in high in love during these days due to the Valentine’s Day.

December 24 and December 25 on the other hand are also primes for birth of new romances.

February 14 had 49 percent more relationships over break-ups. Christmas Day had 34 percent. December as a whole had a net gain for romance with 4 percent of people finding new love compared to those who lose them.

People under 25, 25 and 44 and those over 45 have bad relationships during the summer months. May, June, July and August showed lower numbers compared to other months during 2010 and 2011.

These numbers are based on statistics from Facebook members and does not show the real picture outside the social networking site.