Boys will always be boys. Even men still revert to their boyish ways once given the opportunity to do so.
Now, all your boyish hopes and dreams would surely come to fruition as the popular laser tag is coming to your Android, Windows Phone devices and iPhones.
Called the Xappr Gun, it is a new accessory that can be connected to your smartphone that enables you to play shooter and augmented-reality games. This new toy has a mount with a viewfinder area that you can attach to your gadget. An auxiliary cable connects to your smartphone’s headphone jack that registers your shot or trigger pull.
The Xappr is going to be on the shelves by June and is said to be compatible to a number of games in the market already. Games like, AR Invaders and Spray’Em are two of the titles that this gadget is compatible with.
The new laser tag game called ATK, which is still being beta-tested, enables players to engage in a shootout with you Xappr-equipped frenemies.
This new toy is pegged at $49.99. Remember; shoot in the same direction as your teammates.