Ice Cream Sandwich update from Android


Google’s Android developers are quick to pull the trigger when it comes to updating their OS over the years. Their most recent release is the Ice Cream Sandwich or the Android 4.0.

Unfortunately, with a ton of gadgets running on Android, it is hard to ascertain when a handset will have OS update. This is because these different devices have contrasting specifications and or features.

But latest reports from handset makers running on Android gave a glimmer of hope on what to expect with their devices.

Samsung gave its clients a few estimates on when they could have an OS upgrade on their Galaxy S II and Galaxy Note smartphones. The company said that they are estimating that they should receive their upgrades some time in the next year’s first quarter.

Samsung also added that they are going to upgrade the OS of their other devices, including the four variants of the Galaxy series. But they didn’t provide any date as to when they could receive their update.

Samsung has only two devices running on the latest Android OS, the Ice Cream Sandwich. They are the Galaxy Nexus and last year’s Nexus S.

Motorolla on the other hand is in the midst of a relaunch of their latest smartphone, the Razr. The latest version of the Razr comes in a state-of-the-art, durable construction and a sleek style like its predecessors.

Unfortunately for fans of the latter, the Razr doesn’t run on the Ice Cream Sandwich. Nor or other Motorolla devices such as the Droid Bionic, Xoom tablet and Xyboard tablets.

This holdup on the OS installation is due to the process of manufacturers submitting their phones to the carriers for certification. This part of the software update usually takes from two to four months.