Google lets it snow – literally!


The search giant is joining in the holiday cheer and is sharing an early Christmas treat to its users.

A snow storm hits the screen when users type “let it snow” so users can enjoy some winter wonderland right in their very own units.

Snowflakes will fall from the top of the screen and cover the search results. You can then use your mouse to “scrape off” the frosted glass effect. A Defrost button appears in place of the “Search” button which will clean-up the screen while snow flakes continue fall.

Wondering why a lot of people in the web are calling these little surprises Easter Eggs? Well, its kind of like what the real Easter Eggs are for. Kids love to look for these eggs because they can find little treats inside. So just like Google, typing in these “secret messages” gives you little surprises to interrupt your otherwise normal boring search work. 🙂

To date, there are over 56 known Google Engine Easter Eggs. To name a few, here are some phrases which activates a Google Easter Egg: tilt or askew, recursion, do a barrel roll, zz or rr, anagram and asii art.

For a complete list of these Easter Eggs from Google, lists them here.