Facebook launches suicide reporting button


If you think Facebook is nothing more than a venue for posting pictures and liking stuff, think again.

In response to an alarmingly growing number of suicide cases in the United States, and even the world, the world’s biggest social networking site has launched a button which when chosen, prompts the site to send a link that directs the user to an online chat with councillors.

“This was a natural progression from something we’ve been working on for a long time,” Facebook spokesman Frederic Wolens, said.

He explains that friends can also report suicidal behaviour by clicking the report option and choosing suicidal content under the harmful behaviour option. The reported user will then be directed to a private chat with a crisis representative from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and their phone number will also be made available.

Wolens assures that all the reporting will be anonymously done. Friends of distressed users who reported the situation will also be notified when it is being addressed.

The suicide reporting button will be first made available to users in the United States and Canada. No word yet however, as to when the new tool will be launched worldwide.

Image Credit: theinternetpatrol.com