People will be lining up at Apple’s newest store on Grand Central Terminal this Friday not because of the latest gadgets and gizmos. Instead individuals will be lining up for a much more different type of Apple product.
Apple fans will be piling up at the Grand Central Terminal to have one of only a thousand shirts that the company is giving its first 1,000 customers, a tradition they first started in 2001.
Apple afficionados collect these one-of-a-kind shirts like trading cards.
Christopher Harrington, a 40 year old software designer, has stayed all night enduring freezing weather and long lines full of Apple fanatics just to have a piece of this garment from New York’s Fifth Avenue store opening, in Greenwich, etc. Though what Mr. Harrington truly wants is the shirts being worn by the employees of this new Apple store.
Apple forbids its employees from selling, donating or giving away this employee shirts.
Two of his most-treasured Apple shirts are shirts worn by Apples retail employees who happen to be his friends. He says that his friends are willing to spare him the shirts as long as he doesn’t wear them.
Apple is known to be a company that is insistent in tight controls and complete secrecy. This also extends to the uniforms that their sales people wear. The shirts are unlike your typical garments you can purchase in your department stores. These shirts are designed by Apple’s Graphic Design group. They are also the ones responsible for marketing the iPhone box and their TV ads.
Not only does Apple build secrecy in their gadgets but they also keep mum on their shirts manufacturing. Some recent employee shirts comes with a tag that says “Made in Vietnam” on one side while the word “Apple” is printed on the other with no identifiable company printed on it.
The Grand Central Store is one of the largest Apple stores in the world. Apple plans to give away 4,000 black shirts with the words “Apple Store, Grand Central” printed on it that looks live a train arrival board.
These grand opening shirts are packaged just like any Apple product out there in the market. Full of care and wit. These shirts will roll out in a tightly rolled white box that unfolds into a flowerlike piece.