Want free Wi-Fi? Head over to McDonald’s



If you were feeling pretty resentful in giving over that $2.95 for two hours of Internet access when lunching at McDonald’s, this one’s for you.

According to an article published by the Wall Street Journal, the world’s biggest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants announced that they will be offering free Wi-Fi internet access starting January.

This move is made possible with a new deal AT&T, and will provide free Wi-Fi to 11,000 of the 13,000 McDonald’s in the U.S.

David Groom, chief information officer for McDonald’s USA, is pretty optimistic with the new free service.

“We’re excited about it,” Groom said to Dallas News. “One thing our customers have told us is: ‘We like your Wi-Fi, but would you make it free?’ This is one thing they’ve consistently asked for. It’s just another reason to come to McDonald’s.”

And yes, according to Groom, “free is free”. Meaning, you don’t need to purchase that delicious fries or that Big Mac to access their Wi-Fi. 🙂

Source: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/DN-att_16bus.ART0.State.Edition1.3cf2217.html