Hackers briefly block Twitter



Hackers were successful in briefly blocking the popular micro-blogging site Twitter early today.

Instead of being able to access the site, users were redirected to a Web site that according to a CNN report, had an image of a green flag and a message that said: “This site has been hacked by the Iranian Cyber Army.”

There is no evidence however, that the attack on Twitter was indeed, linked to Iran.

Twitter posted a message late today on its blog stating that its DNS’ records “were temporarily compromised but have now been fixed.” It assured users that it will update and provide more details as soon as it had investigated the incident more fully.

Source: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jIoyffe5r7KMr9dDuTzCnKWF_EeQD9CLLE800