Orange releases iPhone tariffs


logo_orange French-owned company Orange will start offering the iPhone 3G and 3GS starting November 10 – a day after O2’s two-year exclusive deal ends.

Those expecting to get a much-cheaper deal compared to O2 is in for a disappointment as the pricing is basically similar with the once-exclusive UK retailer of iPhone.

Orange will offer a 24-month contract with 600 voice minutes and 500 texts for £34.26 monthly per month. The iPhone itself will cost cost £87 for a 16GB device or £175 for the 32GB device. Orange however, will be imposing a 700MB-per-month limit of data usage while O2 doesn’t

“Since we announced the iPhone on Orange we have already seen more than a quarter of a million customers register their interest on our website,” Tom Alexander, head of Orange UK, said.

Vodafone, another UK carrier, also announced their plans of offering the iPhone at the same time as Orange did. Vodafone fans however will have to wait for 2010 before it becomes available.
