Uhm, Facebook houses some crazy games and applications, and they’re doing it yet again with another weird way of what some people might think as an invasion of privacy.
This time, Facebook wants to know how happy or sad its English-speaking, U.S. users are by measuring the number of positive or negative words in the status updates.
So how does this exactly work? “Happy” words such as happy, yay and awesome and “unhappy words” such as sad, doubt and tragic are measured in an emotion barometer they’ve dubbed the Gross National Happiness index.
Apparently, Facebook wants to know which days people across the United States are the most happiest. According to Facebook’s page, as a whole, the “status updates of millions of Facebook users from every demographic in the nation can work together to say something about how we as a nation are doing.”
What do you think?
Source: http://business.theatlantic.com/2009/10/facebook_wants_to_know_how_happy_we_are_gross.php