Faster online news with Google Fast Flip


“One problem with reading news online today is that browsing can be really slow. A media-rich page loads dozens of files and can take as much as 10 seconds to load over broadband, which can be frustrating,” observes Google News distinguished researcher Krishna. So what do they do?

They found a way to make reading online news faster and more accessible through Fast Flip.

This recent experiment from Google Labs makes browsing news easier by laying out the news articles in a print-like fashion, allowing users to “flip sequentially through bundles of recent news, headlines and popular topics and feeds from individual top publishers.

For the content, Bharat wrote in the official Google Blog that the company has partnered with three dozen publishers including the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, and Newsweek.

Fast Flip also has a mobile version for Android-powered devices and the iPhones, so people on the go can also experience this new way of reading news online.

“The publishing industry faces many challenges today, and there is no magic bullet. However, we believe that encouraging readers to read more news is a necessary part of the solution,” Bharat wrote.

“We think Fast Flip could be one way to help, and we’re looking to find other ways to help as well in the near future.”
