Pocket-size electronic book reader from Sony


It seems that the market for electronic readers is becoming more and more lucrative that companies are coming up with more devices dedicated to these ink-less books.

Sony just unveiled the newest addition to their electronic family: the pocket-size electronic book reader. And get this, its $100 cheaper than the Amazon’s Kindle, that Sony already touted it as the “most affordable dedicated reading device on the market.”

The Sony Reader Pocket Edition has an internal memory that can hold about 350 ebooks and sells for $199. Its five-inch screen is smaller than the Kindle’s and other Sony reader models.

So why is this cheaper? This model won’t play digital music files and will not have an expansion slot for a memory card.

This device is expected to be released by the end of the month. Color choices for the Sony Reader Pocket Edition include blue, red and silver.

Another reader that is soon to be available from the company is the a $299 touch-screen model to replace its existing $350 touch-screen PRS-700 which will be discontinued. Users can write notes and highlight texts with a finger or using the stylus. This new model also comes with a built-in dictionary.

The last announcement that Sony Corp. made is a price cut of their bestselling and new-release titles sold at their website from $11.99 to $9.99, matching Amazon’s ebook price. Talk about stiff competition huh?

Sony’s ebook store currently has more than 100,000 titles and 1,000,000 free public domain ebooks from Google.

Source: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-sonyreader5-2009aug05,0,4524337.story