It’s not just external hard drives that are making news today for their aesthetics.
Sony announced at GamesCom 2009 that they’re bringing three new PSP-3000 colors to Europe this November. The colors are “Lilac” purple, “Turquoise” blue, and “Blossom” pink, obviously targeted to the female market sector.
“The gaming world has traditionally been a male domain, but today we’re seeing more and more female gamers, particularly on portable devices,” says John Koller, SCEA’s Director of Hardware Marketing. “While SCEA has a broad range of PSP owners from under 12 to over 45 years old, we saw a tremendous opportunity for us to connect with the female and ‘tween’ demographic and create a PSP system that girls will love.” Changing the color from black to an off-purple tone was exactlywhat girls were waiting for.
The Lilac PSP was first announced last February who will debut as part of the Hannah Montana Entertainment Pack that includes a Miley Cirus PSP game, a UMB with Hanna Montanna episodes, a 2GB memory stick and some HM stickers. The other two are new though, with the Turquoise PSP coming in bundled with LittleBigPlanet.
Source: http://www.slipperybrick.com/2009/08/turquoise-lilac-and-pink-psp-3000s-to-hit-europe-in-november/
excuse me gaming for men only my ass
excuse me gaming for men only my ass
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