New search feature debuts on Facebook


If you missed what your friend’s status update was a week ago (in the unlikely off chance that it’s a matter of life and death 😉 ), never fear!

The social media site has announced today that the Search feature is now open to the full community. Now, Facebook has made it easier for users to search for status updates, photos, links, videos and notes of your friends and your fan pages.


In a blog post, the company said that testing for the new version of Search began last month with just a small group of people. The tests proved to be successful so the company decided it was worthy for our use 😉 and has made the new version of Search available to everyone on the site.

Here’s an excerpt from their announcement:

You now will be able to search the last 30 days of your News Feed for status updates, photos, links, videos and notes being shared by your friends and the Facebook Pages of which you’re a fan. If people have chosen to make their content available to everyone, you also will be able to search for their status updates, links and notes, regardless of whether or not you are friends. Search results will continue to include people’s profiles as well as relevant Facebook Pages, groups and applications.
