Clampi virus prey on big online financial transactions


“The Clampi virus is pretty scary”

Tim Wilson, editor of Dark Reading, a technology security news site, said of the fast-spreading computer virus.

Clampi, targets on financial accounts that are universally used by businesses. It can download and execute additional malware on to the already infected computer.

While other “banking Trojans” prey on consumers’ online banking accounts, Mikko Hyppönen, senior analyst at anti-virus firm F-Secure says that the creators of Clampi are “are going after bigger fish” — primarily companies.

Slack Auto Parts, a chain of 10 stores in Gainesville, Ga. was one of its victims, losing $75,000 on July 3-7. Henry Slack, the owner, said that Clampi-infected computers sent nine payments to six different mule accounts and failed to transfer an additional $69,000 in eight other attempts.

So how does a computer get infected?

The usual – when a user clicks on a “tainted ” Web page. The infected PC then waits for a user to log into personal accounts such as business and government agencies, and their bank.

It then sets a trap to obtain the user name and password of network administrators who have clearance to access all of an organization’s Windows PCs. It logs on as the administrator, and then spreads companywide, USA Today reports.
