You Have To Buy A Porn Pass To Visit X-Rated Sites In the UK

UK Porn Pass

Viewers can purchase a 16-digit code porn pass from newsagents to verify their age instead of registering on websites.

UK Porn Pass

The U.K. is cracking down on underage porn watching. The government has approved porn sites to verify users with their credit card information. In the country, you have to be 18 and above to have a credit card.

But for those who worry about having their details leaked or data used online, they can opt to buy a “porn pass”. The porn pass is a 16-digit code that can be purchased at local corner stores. To prove their age, buyers will have to show a passport or driver’s license to the shopkeeper. The cards will cost around £10 or about $14.

This new rule will also apply to those who wish to buy alcohol or knives online.

For those who are still concerned about having their data leaked or blackmailed by store owners, the U.K. government tells them not to.

“We are in the process of implementing some of the strictest data protection laws in the world,” a spokesperson explained to the Independent.

“A wide variety of online age verification solutions exist, or are in development, and they will have to abide by these high standards. We expect data security to be a high priority in the BBFC’s guidance on age verification arrangements.”