Aibo Robot Dog From Sony Is Now Being Sold

Sony Corp's entertainment robot "aibo" is pictured at its demonstration in Tokyo, Japan November 1, 2017. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon - RC1F45D36F00

Now Being Sold Is The Aibo Robot Dog From Sony

The new Aibo robot dog from Sony is now out. Sony has decided to resurrect its iconic robot pet band. The brand new model is simply called “Aibo”. The robot dog is just like the old dog, but with new tricks.

The New Aibo Robot Dog

According to Sony, the new Aibo can form an emotional bond with members of the household. It can provide them with affection, love, and the joy of nurturing and raising a companion. It uses ultra-compact actuators that allow its body to move along 22 axes, and its eyes use two OLED panels to show a range of expressions. Battery life is rated at around two hours. Reharge time is three hours.robot dog

How Does Aibo Behave

Aibo’s behavior is adaptable. It seeks out its owners, just like a real dog. The robot dog also has the ability to learn about what makes their owners happy, and gradually grows accustomed to wider environments.

It analyzes the sounds and images coming through its sensors through deep learning technology. It also uses cloud data to learn from the experiences of other Aibo units and owners.

Features Of The New Aibo Robot Dog

According to Sony, the new model of Aibo has some changes. There is an app called My Aibo, which is used to access settings, view photos taken from the dog’s camera, and download additional “tricks” from a store.

The new Aibo now requires subscription, like SoftBank’s Pepper. It is running at 2,980 yen per month (or about $26), for a minimum of three years. The subscription gives you Wi-Fi and LTE connectivity, cloud backup, and access to the app’s feature.

Availability Of The New Aibo Robot Dog

The Aibo robot dog is available to pre-order in Japan. Sony no plans yet to release it outside of its homeland. The new Aibo robot dog costs 198,000 yen, or about $1,700, as well as the monthly subscription.