Facebook users have criticized the social media giant’s two-factor authentication system. Facebook users hit out the 2FA’s bizarre design elements. This comes after some users complained that 2FA is using the same phone number.


Facebook’s 2FA auto-reply: Intentional or a bug?


Such as in the case Bay Area software engineer Gabriel Lewis. He claims that the social media platform has been using the same mobile number. The same number he used for the Facebook’s 2FA, Lewis said. What’s worse, however, is that Facebook is posting an auto-message reply when triggered by any message.


Tech website The Verge has confirmed this unusual Facebook behavior when replying to a Facebook 2FA text message. In fact, Facebook users went to Twitter to accuse other social media platforms. They said Instagram and Facebook were spamming them with notifications with their 2FA phone numbers.


And a prominent technology critic Zeynep Tufekci has posted a series of tweets, slamming Facebook for its behavior allegedly accusing Facebook of “juicing” of its user engagement metrics. Others claim that Facebook may have violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, or TCPA.


In case you don’t know the social media giant has been dragged into a class-suits for violating the provisions of TCPA. Under the TCPA, a company is prohibited to contact you via text without being given express permission first. Previously, the social media giant was spamming its users with automated spam even users opted out of text message notifications.


Responding on the issue, a Facebook representative did not categorically state if the auto-posting of replies was intentional or a bug.


“We give people control over their notifications, including those that relate to security features like two-factor authentication. We’re looking into this situation to see if there’s more we can do to help people manage their communications,” a statement reads. “Also, people who sign up for two-factor authentication using a U2F security key and code generator do not need to register a phone number with Facebook.”